Want to order bulk t.shirts direct from factory?By senthil@sk-tshirts.com / 22/03/2020 Custom made Bulk t.shirtsIf you want to order bulk t.shirts direct from factory, then SK Tshirts are the best place. They manufacture all kinds of t.shirts for all events like college festivals, events, functions, sales promotion/ brand promotion T.shirts with printing or embroidery of the company or brand, who supply all over India and do Exports alsoAll variety of sales promotion, brand promotion, film promotion t-shirts are made in Cotton and polyester fabrics and the company or brand or film logo and name printed or embroidered as per your design.The above tshirts were made in polyester jersey fabric with the brand name and logo printed at front, sleeve and back for our regular client ‘Sterling Perfumes LLC’, Dubai for their Brand and sales promotion activities. They ordered about 12000 Tshirts for the promotion activities of their perfume brands.The rates will be around Rs.120/- to Rs.260/- each depending upon the quantity, fabric, quality, print designs etc.They are made in our factory at Tirupur. t-shirts are delivered all over India.For more details check out our Website andfor more images of tshirts check our Facebook page or mail: info@sk-tshirts.comor Call: 99945 55774
Custom Round Neck T.Shirts Made For Shree Krishna Institute, Chennai. college tshirts / By senthil@sk-tshirts.com