How to celebrate the success of your start up? What better way than the customised t.shirts!
How are custom t.shirts the best way to celebrate the success of start ups? Startups and t-shirts are perfect for each other. Nothing else reflects the vibrant and creative environment of startups better than the versatility of the custom made t.shirts.
What are the other advantages of customised t.shirts? A majority of startups and businesses around the world prefer custom t-shirts as their office wear as they are very comfortable and stylish. Also they use them for promotions and for brand and sales promotion activities.
Any other reason why many startups and new businesses prefer custom uniform t.shirts? Another reason for the popularity of t-shirts might be that young people who prefer an informal work culture helm most startups.
Where can we get good quality customised t.shirts? If you are looking for good-quality custom t-shirts for your startup, get in touch with us at SK T.Shirts!
Why SK T-shirts are the best in making custom made t-shirts? As they are in this business for the past 25 years with their own state of the art t-shirt factory, they can cater to any type of requirement of the customers at very short notice. They have a well experienced team for all processes.
What is the minimum quantity that can be ordered? Though minimum order quantity with SK Tshirts is 100 pieces, lesser numbers can also be made on specific requests.
What is the cost of a customised t.shirt? It depends upon the style, fabric, quantity, print design etc. The approximate range would be from Rs.100/- each to Rs.400/- each based on many factors.
What are the types or models of t.shirt can we get from SK Tshirts? If you need round neck t-shirts or any other model, they will be able to help you with identifying the model in tune with your requirement.
You wish to order polo t-shirts or hoodies, in cotton or polyester or blended fabric, anything can be made at very competitive rates. The price depends upon the quantity, style and print matter.
You can get more details on various points regarding the above points at FAQS section of SK T-Shirts.
Get in touch with SK T-shirts for all your customised t.shirt requirements.
or mail: info@sk-tshirts.com / Call: 99945 55774
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